Safety Manual Templates

$495 + GST
Reg. Price $699
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Provincial & State Occupational Health and Safety Regulations require companies operating in Canada and the US to ensure a safety manual is developed and implemented for their employee's safety.
Non-compliance with these regulations can result in hefty fines, penalties, sanctions, or stop work orders by local government enforcement safety officers. We have developed a warehouse safety manual template designed by experienced OHS consultants that any business can utilize in Canada. Our health and safety manual templates have been designed for BASIC compliance.
​If you are a large business interested in COR, SECOR or ISNETWORLD compliance, click below for more information.
What's Included in the Manual?
Policies & Programs
Safe Work Practices
Health & Safety Policy Safety Training Policy Hazard Assessment Policy Violence Prevention Policy Harassment Prevention Policy Investigation Policy Inspection Policy Emergency Response Policy Personal Protective Equipment Program Drug & Alcohol Policy Pandemic Policy (COVID-19) Safety Responsibilities Legislation Requirements Worker Rights Fit for Duty Safety Rules Worker Training & Competency Orientations Two-Way Communication Enforcement / Disciplinary Program Hazard Reporting Site-Specific Hazard Assessments Hazard Elimination and Control Record Keeping and Statistics Health and Safety Committee Maintenance Program Emergency Response Planning Potential Emergencies First Aid Programs
Air Tools Cargo Hauling Chemical and Biological Compressed Air Cranes & Lifting Devices Driving Electrical Safety Ergonomics Extension Cords Fire and Explosion Fire Extinguishers Flammable and Combustible Substance Hand Tools Hazard Control Signage Housekeeping Knife Safety Ladders Loading Docks Load Securement Lockout Tagout Machine Guarding Manual Lifting Noise Exposure Powered Mobile Equipment Slips and Trips Spotter and Hand Signals WHMIS 2015 Working Alone Working at Heights
Corrective Action Log Emergency Response Drill Emergency Response Plan Employee Training Record Employee Warning Report Equipment Inspection Fall Protection Work Plan Fire Extinguisher Form First Aid Record FLHA - Hazard Assessment Harness Inspection Form Incident Investigation Forms JHSC Meeting Minutes Lockout & Isolation List Maintenance Record Form Near Miss - Safety Concern Report Office of Modified Work Office Inspection On-the-job Training Orientation Checklist Orientation Questionnaire Pre-Job Hazard Assessment Toolbox Meeting Right to Refuse Safety Competency Evaluation Safety Meeting Form Safety Summary Year End Injury Summary Worksite Inspection Subcontractor Orientation Vehicle Inspection
Do you need a manual that covers more than one province? Send us a message by clicking below and we will provide you with additional options
If you are looking for a manual that is more in-depth customized to your company instead of a template you will want to look into our custom manuals. Our custom manuals pass several processes including COR, SECOR, ISNetWorld, ComplyWorks, and any other pre-qualification processes. These programs are designed from scratch and focus specifically on the tasks and services that your company performs and the provinces of work that you are working in. Click the button below to request more informaiton.
Our safety manual templates have been developed to meet the minimum provincial OHS legislation compliance. This means, you are required by law to ensure these policies are implemented to keep your employees safe. You can purchase the template as is and make your own edits as needed and we have additional policies, practices, forms and procedures available if you would like to build your program further.